
Journals (16)

Sandström, T. & Liikkanen L. (2013). Kauas biisit karkaavat. Äänitemusiikin digitaalinen murros. Tekniikan Waiheita .2/2013. [Tekniikan historian seuran julkaisu, vertaisarvioitu]

Åman, P. & Liikkanen, L. (2013) Painting the City with Music – Context-aware Mobile Services for Urban Environment. Special issue on Ubiquitous Digitalization of Urban Life and Auditory Culture in Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies. DOI: 10.1080/10304312.2013.803306

Männistö-Funk, T. (under revision, 2013) “They played it on Saturday nights in a barn” Gramophone practices as part of self-made modernity in Finland from the 1920s to the 1940s.

Männistö-Funk, T. (2012) The prime, decline and recalling of rural cycling. Bicycle practices in the 1920s’ and 1930s’ Finland remembered in 1971–1972. Transfers – Interdisciplinary journal of mobility studies. Volume 2, Issue 2, Summer 2012. 49–69.

Uimonen, H. (Forthcoming) Masa, mankka ja mä. C-kasetti kuuntelukulttuurin muuttajana 1970–1990. Masa, cassette player and me. Compact cassette transforming listening culture in 1970–1990. Lähikuva 4/2012.

Uimonen, H. (Forthcoming) Inarin emäntäkoulussa. C-kasetti jokapaikkaisen kuuntelun edistäjänä. At the Rural Homemaking School of Inari. Compact cassette advancing ubiquitous listening. Etnomusikologian vuosikirja 24 (2012). Helsinki, Suomen Etnomusikologinen Seura.

Liikkanen L. (2012) Involuntary Music Among Normal Population and Clinical Cases. Advances in Clinical Neuroscience and Rehabilitation. 12(4) 12-13. [Full text PDF]

Liikkanen L. (2012) Inducing involuntary musical imagery: an experimental study. Musicae Scientiae[Author's full text preview]

Liikkanen L. (2012) Musical Activities Predispose to Involuntary Musical Imagery. Psychology of Music, 40(2), pp. 236-256. [Peer-review Full text PDF]

Kilpiö, K (2011) C-kasetit suomalaisten käyttäjiensä aistimuistoissa. Tekniikan Waiheita 4/2011. [Abstract]

Kilpiö, K. (2011) Alitajunnan ohjailemisesta profiloitumiseen: taustamusiikkituotteiden muutoksia 1900-luvun Suomessa. Musiikin Suunta 2/2011 (Musiikki kaupunkitilassa).

Kilpiö, K. & Lehtinen, V. (2011) Bulkista uniikiksi: merkitystä massatuotettuihin musiikkisäiliöihin. Media & viestintä : kulttuurin ja yhteiskunnan tutkimuksen lehti. 34, 4, p. 26-47.

Kilpiö, K. & Uimonen, H. (2010) Kulkee mukana eikä maksa paljon. Kuinka c-kasetti muutti äänimaisemaa. Historiallinen Aikakauskirja 3/2010 ss. 329–341. [Full text PDF]

Vesa Kurkela (2012) ChalgaTube – Bulgarian Chalga on the Internet. The Ottoman Past in the Balkan Present: Music and Mediation, eds. Risto Pekka Pennanen, Panagiotis Poulos and Aspasia Theodosiou. Papers and Monographs of the Finnish Institute at Athens vol. 17. Athens: Finnish Institute at Athens (forthcoming 2012).


Conferences proceedings and posters (29)

2012 (8)

Kilpiö, K. (2012) Cassette Users Looking Back on their Newfound Power. Proc. of ESSHC 2012. [Abstract]

Liikkanen L, Cunningham S. J., McDonald D., Downie J. S. (2012) Music interaction research in HCI. Proc. of CHI 2012. [Full text PDF] [DOI]

Lehtinen V. & Liikkanen L. (2012) The Meanings of Music Sharing in Tween Life. Proc. of CHI-EA 2012. [Full Text PDF]

Liikkanen L. (2012) Love through the viewfinder: Practices in contemporary snapshot photography of live music performances. Presented at Helsinki PhotoMedia 2012 conference. March 28-30. [Full text PDF]

Vihavainen S., Mate S., Liikkanen L, Curcio I.D.D. (2012) Video as Memorabilia: User Needs for Collaborative Automatic Mobile Video Production. Proc. of CHI 2012.
[Full text PDF]

Forsblom, A, Nurmi P, Åman P, Liikkanen L (2012) Out of the Bubble - Serendipitous Event Recommendations at an Urban Culture Festival. To appear in Proc. of ACM IUI2012, Lisbon, Portugal, 14-17 February. [Full text PDF]

Uimonen, H. (2012) Mirkku, mankka ja Masa. C-kasetin yleistyminen ja käyttö. Suomen Musiikintutkijoiden 16. Symposium, Jyväskylä 21.–23.3. 2012.

Uimonen, H. (2012) Clinging on to the Tape. Compact Cassettes, Music and Mediated Nostalgia. Flashbacks. Nostalgic Media and Mediated Forms of Nostalgia. Institute of Communication, Media and Journalism Studies, University of Geneva, Switzerland, 13–14.9. 2012.

2011 (10)

Uimonen, H. and Kurkela V. Lost and Challenged Contents. Music Radio Alternatives and Cultural Practices. In Gazi, Angeliki, Starkey, Guy & Jedrzejewski, Stanislaw (eds.): Radio Content in the Digital Age. The Evolution of a Sound Medium. Intellect Books. 2011, 125–137. Reprinted.

Kilpiö, K. (2011) Disrespecting The Canon: c-cassette users look back on their new-found power. Radical Music History Symposium, Dec 8-9, Helsinki.

Silfverberg, S. and Lampinen, A. (2011) Online self-presentation: Profile work in social network services. Presentation at Nordic Research Network The Culture of Ubiquitous Information's Seminar 4: Invisibility and Unawareness: Ethico-Political Implications of Embeddedness and the culture of Surveillance, University of Copenhagen, October 10, 2011.

Kilpiö, K. (2011) “Something dear you might easily lose forever”: experiences from a survey on c-cassette users’ memories. Music, Sound and the History of Technology Session in the Annual Meeting of the International Committee for the History of Technology, ICOHTEC (Glasgow, 2-7 August 2011). Presentation slides.

Uimonen, H. (2011) My First Compact Cass: Home Taping and Music Consumption in 1970s Finland. International Association for the Study of Popular Music Conference, Grahamstown, South Africa, from 27 June – 1 July.

Kilpiö, K (2011) "We listened to our mixtapes of love songs, talking about boys" - young Finns as a target group for cassette technology. International Association for the Study of Popular Music Conference, Grahamstown, South Africa, from 27 June – 1 July.

Kilpiö, K. (2011) "Like decorating your own room." Building musical identities with c-cassettes in 1970s Finland. Techno-Soundings. Acousmatic Methodologies of the Ear. March 25-26, Hong Kong, China.

Silfverberg, S., Liikkanen, L., Lampinen, A. (2011) "I'll press Play, but I won't listen":Profile Work in a Music-focused Social Network Service. In Proc. of ACM CSCW'11. March 19-23, Hangzhou, China [Full text PDF]

Uimonen, H. (2011) Radiomusiikin rakennemuutos. Kaupallisten radioiden musiikki 1985–2005. Suomen Musiikkitiede 100 vuotta. March 17, Helsinki.

Kilpiö, K. (2011) "Tavaraa laidasta laitaan." Kokoelmakasetti, äänittäjät ja kuuntelijat. Suomen Musiikkitiede 100 vuotta. March 17, Helsinki.

2010 (7)

Kilpiö, K & Uimonen, H. (2010) “Mighty Music, Minimum Price. Advertising Compact Cassettes for Finns.” Music and Institutions Workshop. Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki. December 10, Helsinki.

Åman, P. and Liikkanen L. (2010) A Survey of Music Recommendation Aids. In proc. of WOMRAD 2010 colocated in ACM RecSYS 2010. [Full text PDF]

Åman, P and Liikkanen L. (2010) SoundAbout: A Platform for Location Based Mobile Music Services Presentation at Nordic Research Network The Culture of Ubiquitous Information's Seminar 1: Ubiquitous Digitalization of Urban Life and Auditory Culture, University of Copenhagen, October 21, 2010.

Liikkanen L. and Lahdensuo M. (2010) Observing the Mobile Music Phenomenon: One in Seven Commuters is Wired. To appear in the Proc. of DIS2010. Århus, Denmark.

Lehtinen, V. (2010) Portable Music Devices in Tween Life. Presentation at Musicology in the 3rd Millennium conference. Seinäjoki, Finland.

Åman, P. (2010) Recommendations and music services in user-centered design. Presentation at Musicology in the 3rd Millennium conference. Seinäjoki, Finland.

Silfverberg, S. (2010) Profile Work of Online-Shared Music Listening Information. Presentation at Musicology in the 3rd Millennium conference. Seinäjoki, Finland.

2009 (4)

Kurkela, V. & Uimonen, H. (2009) Lost and Challenged Contents. Music Radio Alternatives and Cultural Practices. In Proc. of Radio Content in the Digital Age. Limassol, Cyprus. [Full text PDF]

Liikkanen, L. & Pääkkönen R. (2009) Can involuntary musical memories be experimentally studied? Invited presentation at Involuntary memory symposium of British Psychological Society’s Cognitive Section Conference 2009, Hertfordshire, UK

Liikkanen, L. (2009) How the mind is easily hooked on musical imagery. Proc. of ESCOM 2009. Jyväskylä, Finland. [Full text PDF]

Pääkkönen, R. & Liikkanen, L. (2009) Attention and involuntary musical imagery. Poster presented at ESCOM 2009. Jyväskylä, Finland.

Books and other public reports (5)

Kilpiö & Uimonen (2013, forthcoming) Suuri kasettikirja (The great book of cassettes).

Männistö-Funk (Forthcoming, 2013) A city flooded by sound. The Finnish gramophone fever of 1929 in Helsinki. Chapter in Forthcoming in Listening to Modernity: New Sonic Worlds in the Wake of the Phonograph. Oxford University Press.

Uimonen, H. (2011) Radiomusiikin rakennemuutos. Kaupallisten radiokanavien musiikki Suomessa 1985–2005. Tampere: Tampere University Press.

Liikkanen, L. (2010) Are Digital Sales Killing the Finnish Recording Industry? Analysis of Finnish Music Consumption Trends in 2009. Electronic publication by Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University, Finland. [Full text PDF]

Sandström, T. & Liikkanen, L. (2009) Katsaus musiikkiteknologiaan Suomessa 2009. Sisäinen raportti (internal report, to be published)

Theses (4)

2012 MA (Cog.Sci.) Mikko Lahdensuo: The Effects of Background Music On Highway Driving (University of Helsinki, Department of Behavioral Sciences)

2010 MA (Social Psychology) Suvi Silfverberg: Profile Work of Online-Shared Music Listening Information (University of Helsinki, Department of Social Psychology)

2010 BA (Cog.Sci.) Mikko Lahdensuo: The Effects of Background Music on Driving (University of Helsinki, Department of Behavioral Sciences)

2009 MA (Psych.) Rauni Pääkkönen: Involuntary imagery of music and working memory (University of Helsinki, Department of Psychology)

Related work by MusiQ researchers (2)

Heikki Uimonen (2010) Towards streamlined broadcasting. The Changing Music Cultures of 1990s Finnish Commercial Radio. Journal of IASPM [Free Full text] 
Editor's choice:
 Rare report about the development of commercial radio format 

Tiina Männistö-Funk (2009) Säveltulva kaupungissa – Gramofonimusiikki uudenlaisena kaupungin äänenä ja makukysymyksenä Helsingissä 1929.Ennen ja nyt,