03.08.2010 Paper accepted into WOMRAD
Paper by Åman and Liikkanen called State-of-the-art in Music Recommendations - Evaluating Recommendation Aiding Features of User Interfaces has been accepted to WOrkshop on Music Recommendation And Discovery (WOMRAD), workshop parallel to ACM RecSys conference!
It will appear here soon enough!
18.06.2010 MusiQ goes to Provinssirock and a paper accepted to DIS2010 conference
MusiQ runs an experiment in Provinssirock 2010
User studies "in-the-wild" get a new meaning as Musiquitous with Nokia Research Center takes over Provinssirock!
MusiQ paper to appear in Designing Information Systems 2010 conference
Paper from Liikkanen and Lahdensuo called Observing the Mobile Music Phenomenon: One in Seven Commuters is Wired will be presented!
13.05.2010 Helsingin Sanomat on c-cassette research
Helsingin Sanomat has taken up the Musiquitous cassette study on Thu May 13th 2010.
We look forward to getting even more valuable c-cassette memories for the research.
So: please visit the info page and continue from there to fill in the questionnaire!
Helsingin Sanomat on ottanut kasettitutkimuksen näkyvästi esille kulttuuriosastossaan torstaina 13. toukokuuta 2010. Juttu tuo todennäköisesti lisää vastaajia jo nyt hyvin pärjänneeseen muistelukeruuseen.
Vieraile siis lisätietosivuillamme ja jatka matkaa keruulomakkeeseen!
06.05.2010 New thesis work in Musiquitous at HIIT
Mikko Lahdensuo has joined Musiquitous team to work on a Master's on Background music influences in driving in real-world. This work is conducted together with UH, Traffic research unit (part of former psychology dept.).
26.04.2010 Digital sales look grim for local recording industry in Finland
16.04.2010 Musiquitous is in Facebook and at Campus Party Europe!
You can become a fan of Musiquitous in Facebook!
Musiquitous and SoundAbout were presented at Campus Party Europe
31.3.2010 Kasettikysely käynnistyy!
Lue lisää ja kerro muistoistasi!
21.01.2010 MusiQ researcher meeting 2010
MusiQ researchers met today at Botanical Garden in Kaisaniemi, Helsinki. Among many things we planned our session for Musicology in the 3rd Millennium symposiumn and discussed ideas for a mobile music consumption in Finland book! More about these issues in the future!
20.01.2010 MusiQuitous is part of HIIT MIXSIG!
Musiq project is one of the projects showcasing digital music research at HIIT, check out:
19.01.2010 Musiq goes to Musicology in the 3rd Millennium!
Musiquitous project will organize a session at
Musicology in the 3rd Millennium
Thursday 18.3.2010, 9.00-10.30.
Under the title:
How cultural studies help in designing new kind of music experiences?