12.12.2011 MusiQ paper accepted to CHI'12
12.12.2011 MusiQ paper accepted to CHI'12
A note by Sami Vihavainen, Sujeet Mate, Lassi A Liikkanen and Igor Curcio was accepted to CHI'12. This publication documents a field study and follow-up creation of a collaboratively created live music video from ProvinssiRock festival. This study succeeded as a collaboration of HIIT (Aalto University; Sami ja Lassi; MusiQ and Social video projects) and NRC Tampere (Sujeet and Igor) and numerous other inspired researchers appearing in the photo below:
Folks from left to right: Igor, Lassi S, Lassi L, Sujeet, Francesco, Pirkka, Arto, Vilma and Suvi.
The paper will appear in publications soon!